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Exhibition on History of Papal Election in Rome

Datum publikace30. 11. -0001, 0.00

In the Lateran Apostolic Palace on Thursday 7 December 2006, Cardinal Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone inaugurated an exhibition 'Habemus Papam. Pontifical elections from St Peter to Benedict XVI', which marks the 500th anniversary of St Peter's Basilica.Full text of the news in Czech: HERE.

Vatican: The visitors can see a broad selection of works of art from Vatican as well as Rome collections. The cardinal said that the exhibition 'has been conceived in such a manner as, on the one hand, to offer as complete a vision as possible of the historical development of conclaves while, on the other, not failing to highlight the mysterious action of God who, through his Providence, guides the journey of the Church, which is founded upon Peter and his legitimate successors.'

Cardinal Bertone also underlined the fact that the papal election was, 'though through circumstances at times marked by human frailty and political interest,' guided by God: 'Christ, with the strength of his Spirit, leads the Church, entrusting her to his vicar on earth, the Pope, 'servant of the servants.' And the Pope – even when intrigue, subterfuge and conflict seemed to prevail – has never failed in his mission… Despite its shadows, then, the history of the Church is a history of faith, love and zeal.'

The secretary of State also made some remarks on the history of the conclave and said that from the Constitution 'Ubi periculum' of 1274, the elimination of the external influence in the election was emphasized. Although certain ceremonies and practices accompanying the election have now disappeared, 'what remains unchanged is the essential part of the ministry of Peter's Successor and, in this sense, the conclave represents a moment of great importance.'

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